
dim a as  Dictionary(Of Long, String())

a = ImportCSV(FileName)



Imports System.Text

Public Class ImportCsv
Implements IImportFile
Public Function ImportExecute(ByVal filePath As String, ByVal Optional isHeaderImport As Boolean = False, ByVal Optional isHaveDoubleQuate As Boolean = False,
ByVal Optional isTrim As Boolean = False, ByVal Optional encode As String = STR_ENC_SHIFTJIS, ByVal Optional headerCheckString As String = "") As Dictionary(Of Long, String()) Implements IImportFile.ImportExecute
Using objIoTFP As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(filePath, Encoding.GetEncoding(encode))
With objIoTFP
.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
.TrimWhiteSpace = isTrim
.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = isHaveDoubleQuate
End With

Dim dic As New Dictionary(Of Long, String())
Dim count As Long
Dim header As String()
header = objIoTFP.ReadFields()
If Not isHeaderOk(String.Join(STR_COMMA, header), headerCheckString) Then
Return Nothing
End If
If isHeaderImport Then
dataAdd(count, dic, header)
End If
While Not objIoTFP.EndOfData
dataAdd(count, dic, objIoTFP.ReadFields())
End While
Return dic
End Using
End Function
Private Function IsHeaderOk(ByVal header As String, ByVal headerCheckString As String) As Boolean
Return header = headerCheckString
End Function
Private Sub DataAdd(ByRef count As Long, ByRef dic As Dictionary(Of Long, String()), ByVal addData As String())
count += 1
dic.Add(count, addData)
End Sub
End Class